Problem Glyphs is a project by renowned artist Eliza Gauger in which sigils are drawn in response to problems you send in.
Problem Glyphs iOS is the best way to see, search, and share Problem Glyphs on your iOS device.
Using Problem Glyphs iOS is easy. Scroll through all Glyphs, your favorites, or see a random Glyph. Tap a Glyph to view its details. Swipe left or right to see the next or previous Glyph in the list. Add a Glyph to your Favorites list, Share it, or open the original post using the in-app web browser.
Search for Glyphs by title, tags, text, or all of the above. We won't pretend to use artificial intelligence machine learning neural networks to handle searching but it works great in most cases. If you see a problem, let us know.
After entering search text, tap a Glyph to view its details. Swipe left or right to see the next or previous Glyph in the list. Add a Glyph to your Favorites list, Share it, or open the original post using the in-app web browser.
Random Glyph
When you want to see a Glyph but aren't sure what to search for, tap the Random tab and let the app choose one for you from the available Glyphs.
It says "Random" but it's funny how often it seems anything but random.
Don't like the chosen Glyph? Pull down to refresh.
Add a Glyph to your Favorites list, Share it, or open the original post using the in-app web browser.
Glyph Details
The Glyph details view includes the Problem Glyph image, the tags originally posted with the Glyph, and (in most cases) the text of the original submitted Problem that inspired the Glyph.
If you reached this Details view by tapping a Glyph in a list, you can swipe left or right to see the next or previous Glyph in the list.
Add a Glyph to your Favorites list, Share it, or open the original post using the in-app web browser.
On a Glyph Details, tap the heart icon in the top right of the screen to add the Glyph to your favorites.
Tap the Favorites tab in the bottom left of the screen to view your list of Favorite Glyphs. Tap a Glyph to view its details. Swipe left or right to see the next or previous Glyph in the list.
Choose "Share Glyph" to share image, link, and Glyph name.
Choose "Share Link" to share the link to the original post.
Choose "Share Image" to share the Glyph image.
Different apps support different ways of sharing. Some apps act in unexpected ways when you try to share multiple pieces of data, even when the app says it will support it. We give you a few choices so hopefully we can avoid most of the weirdness.
Open Original Post in Browser
To view the original post for any Glyph in the app.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Problem Glyphs?
Problem Glyphs is a project by renowned artist Eliza Gauger in which sigils are drawn in response to problems people send in.
These symbolic illustrations draw on her background in esoteric occultism, aesthetic symbolism, mythology, psychology, and hedge "magic" to encourage, support, and counsel the people who seek them out.
What is Problem Glyphs iOS?
Problem Glyphs iOS is an iOS app to allow you to easily carry these glyphs with you, to mark and view your favorites, to search for glyphs, to share glyphs, and to view random glyphs when you feel the need.
You can search for glyphs by name, tag, and/or by text in the problem description.
More features coming soon.
What is a glyph? What is a sigil?
- glyph: a hieroglyphic character or symbol; a pictograph.
- sigil: an inscribed or painted symbol considered to have magical power.
How can I submit a problem or glyph request?
There is an online form for submitting requests you can make a Problem Glyph request here.
Where do I complain about this iOS app?
Please use the contact form or Twitter link at the bottom of this page.
Can you explain the meaning of [points to a Problem Glyph]?
sometimes i think i should explain glyphs but tbh you need to work for them. thats part of the ritual and you know it Eliza Gauger - July 2, 2017
I don’t publish the glyphs with explanations because I think that would impose too much of my perspective on drawings that need to be personalized to the audience. However, if you are confused about the symbolism of a glyph, googling the title can give you more information, and examining the tags for the names of the animals and symbols can also help. Eliza Gauger - July 5, 2014
Who is responsible for this?
Scroll a little more.
Eliza's credits as an artist and writer include Jerkcity HD and Deep Map Pilots with Warren Ellis, among other incredible works. Problem Glyphs has been the subject of her attention since autumn 2013.
DO NOT contact her with questions about the app. If there is an issue with the iOS app, it is sirshannon's fault.
Photo by Jared Lee Steiner
As a Problem Glyphs fan and supporter, I wanted a better way to use Problem Glyphs. As an iOS developer, I wanted a new personal project. The timing was right and Eliza was kind enough to allow me to do this and to help when needed. If it's broken, blame me. I mean contact me.
Artisanal handcrafted in-app navigation iconography by graphic designer and digital artist @Kittydoom
Contact the Problem Glyphs iOS team
If you have questions about the app, bugs or errors to report, comments, or any other reason to contact us, please click the "CONTACT US" button below.